WorldCup racers from Norways and Sweedens national XC and biathlon teams competing on rollerskis. Both biathlon and xc sprint races. WC racers from mostly Norway and Sweden but also some other nations. Ole Einar Bjørndalen, Marit Bjørgen, Bjørn Lind are all there.
Sat Aug 19, 2006 - Rain and wind made for difficult conditions during the Swedish rollerski championship in Burseryd.
Maria Rydkvist dominated the Swedish rollerski championship last weekend and won the women’s race by more than two minutes to Hanna Seppas. Rain and wind made for difficult conditions.
The men’s race took place on a 2.2 kilometer loop that was skied ten times. Rollerski specialist Tobias Westman got a 5-10 seconds lead after two laps. He stayed ahead of the chase group for another two laps before the chase group lead by Vasaloppet winner Oscar Svard caught up to him.
Westman and Svard then broke away with two laps to go. Westman then broke away from Svard in a downhill on the last lap and Svard had no chance of staying with him in or catching him before the finish. Svard ended up second and Mathias Westman out sprinted Marcus Johnson for third.
Westman was happy with the victory and the fact that the pace wasn’t too hard since he had just returned from the European rollerski championship in Russia.
Svard was happy with second place (and the workout) since it was his first rollerski competition of the season, but commented that he was lacking speed at the moment to answer the winner’s final sprint.
Mon Aug 14, 2006 -The Norwegian women’s team ended their recent training camp at Kvitfjell with an 8-kilometer uphill rollerski time-trial. Ann Eli Tafjord was fastest (Marit Bjorgen at the start of the time-trial).
Tafjords time was 31.18 and she was 33 seconds ahead of Marit Bjorgen Tafjord opened up her lead in the first and steepest part of the time-trial, while Bjorgen kept the same pace on the second half. -I was tired, but able to push hard the whole way. It’s nice to get the test over with, says Ann Eli after capturing 100 points for the victory in the girl’s internal competition to wear the yellow camp-jersey.
Astrid started the race with the Jersey, but lost important points by only placing 8th today. The girls need to be good in several events like time-trials, explosiveness, speed and candy eating in order to win the overall internal competition.
So far its Astrid, Guro and Ella that’s best overall. Astrid won the 60-meter.
Results time-trial
1. Ann Eli Tafjord 31.18 2. Marit Bjorgen 31.51 3. Kristin Murer Stemland 32.13 4. Ella Gjomle 33.23 5. Betty Ann Bjerkreim Nielsen 33.40 6. Kine Beate Bjornas 34.01 7. Marte Elden 35.34 8. Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen 38.17 9. Lena 40.04
Astrid is the overall leader of the camp cup. Photo: Lars ...
Fri Aug 18, 2006 - The World's oldest ski club, Oddersjaa in Kristiansand, Norway organized a 500-meter track sprint and a 3000-meter track rollerski race as pre-match and halftime shows during a premier league soccer match last weekend. Two German national team skiers were up against most of the Norwegian national team. 9662 spectators got to watch some great duels. <>The sprint event took place before the start of the soccer match. There were two heats of four skiers and the two fastest in each heat made it to the finale. <> Petter Northug and Arnstein Mykland beat out Svein Tore Sinnes and Geir Ludvig Aasen in heat one. Frode Estil, Oddbjørn Hjelmeset, Audun Laugaland and Jon Kristian Svaland raced in the second heat and Hjelmeset and Laugaland made it to the finale. Northug was the favorite in the finale but Hjelmeset edged him out at the end (Svaland, Laugaland, Hjelmeset and Estil in the second 500 m sprint heat).
The most anticipate race was however the 3000 meter during the soccer match’s halftime break. Tobias Angerer and Andreas Schlutter from Germany went up against the best Norwegian skiers in a tough 3000-meter on the soft surface.
Several skiers were in the lead on the early laps, but it was clear that it would be a race between Hjelmeset, Northug and Angerer. Last years World Cup winner (Angerer) was not able to maintain his sprint all the way to the line and Northug was declared the winner after the jury had looked at the photos from the finish.
Northug said after the race that it was nice to get confirme ...
Sprint su un anello di 750 metri e gara in salita in Francia. Con la svizzera Sereina Mischol (6 vittorie in altrettante gare) comanda nettamente la classifica dell'Odlo Rollerski Tour
Simone Paredi e la svizzera Sereina Mischol sempre più al comando dell’Odlo Rollerski Tour, il massimo circuito francese dello skiroll che a ferragosto è andato in scena, per la terza tappa, al Grand Bornand, con uno sprint il martedì e una gara in salita il giorno dopo, sulla distanza di km 7,5, sul Col de la Colombiére, che gli appassionati di ciclismo ben conoscono poiché vi passa abitualmente il Tour de France. Per Paredi successo nello sprint e secondo posto in salita, per Mischol due vittorie. Prestazioni di prestigio considerando che hanno avuto come avversari i fondisti delle squadre nazionali francesi. Unico assente il più noto, Vincent Vittoz.
Lo sprint, che ha avuto luogo nel pomeriggio, è stato effettuato con modalità ben diverse da quelle abituali, e cioè non i soliti 150-200 metri in rettilineo e a coppie, ma come nel fondo, su un circuito di 750 metri nel centro di questo paese dell’Alta Savoia, con curve, salite e discese e a gruppi, e questo rende la gara più appassionante e impegnativa. Paredi ha vinto lasciandosi dietro Nicolas Perrier e Roddy Darragon, l’enfant du pays che correva in casa e nella sua disciplina, in quanto medaglia d’argento dello sprint proprio alle ultime Olimpiadi nella finale v ...