

Lo Sci Club  Rijeka-Čavle con il patrocinio della Croatian Ski Association, Country Ski Accociation, della Country Primorsko-goranska, della città di Rijeka, della Comunity Jelenje e della  Comunity Čavle, organizza per sabato 22 agosto 2009 una gara di skiroll in salita in tecnica libera denominata GROBNIK OPEN SKI ROLL 2009 - ŽILETOV MEMORIAL. La gara si svolgerà lungo la strada Kamenjak – Platak, con partenze da punti diversi del percorso, come risulta dal programma allegato.

Cross country ski club Rijeka-Čavle organize international skiroll competition patronaged by Croatian Ski Association, Country Ski Accociation, Country Primorsko-goranska,Town Rijeka, Comunity Jelenje and Comunity Čavle Competition will take place on Saturday, 22.08.2009, on the road Kamenjak – Platak, group start by categories, Up hill free skating.


Da staff, Sabato, 15 Agosto 2009 12:21, Commenti(0), Leggi tutto
Il Campionato Ungherese di skiroll 2008

 Pubblichiamo la classifica e le foto del Campionato ungherese di skiroll disputato a Törökbálint il 20/08/2008.

Il percorso era ricavato su un circuito misto di 2.6 km da ripetere più volte.

Alla fine della pagina le classifiche in pdf e il link alle foto.

Per gentile concessione di Lajos Szanto

La classifica:

Seniores maschili, 10 giri*:
1., Imre Tagscherer    VASAS SC  48.54
2., Zoltán Tagscherer    VASAS SC  49.05
3., Csaba Cseke    VASAS SC  52.09
4., István Muskatal    VASAS SC  55.04
5., Lajos Mile    VASAS SC  55.58
6., Mátyás Holló    VASAS SC  56.36
7., Lajos Szántó    TELKI SE   59.46
8., Szilveszter Potor     KORI 2000  60.13
9., Edmund Lingvai     KORI 2000  66.02

Juniores maschili, 10 giri*:
1., Milán Szabó   ...

Da staff, Lunedì, 01 Settembre 2008 16:40, Commenti(3), Leggi tutto

Emmanuel Jonnier si è aggiudicato il titolo francese estivo di skiroll vincendo una competizione disputata sull’arco di due giorni

 Il primo atto è stata una cronoscalata contro il tempo di 4 km. in cui Jonnier ha fatto segnare il miglior tempo con 13 secondi di margine su Alexandre Rousselet e 14 su Vincent Vittoz.
L’atto conclusivo è stata, invece, una prova ad inseguimento sulla distanza di 5 km. in cui Jonnier ha gestito il margine accumulato il primo giorno precedendo Vittoz di 9 secondi e Jean Marc Gaillard, autore del migliore tempo di frazione, di 15 secondi.
A seguire, Maurice Manificat, Robin Duvillard ed Alexandre Rousselet. (Fonte:

Les résultats du Championnat de France !

Poursuite du Samedi matin entre Vallouise et Puy St Vincent:

Da staff, Domenica, 31 Agosto 2008 23:16, Commenti(0), Leggi tutto
LRNSC 4-hour rollerski race

Prize giving will take place during the meal. Everyone will get a prize, and all are encouraged to stay on. <>

Volunteers are encouraged for timekeeping, tea making, moving tables and putting out food. Contact Hilary Field if you would be able to help on this - 01252 626339.
Some of the country's top cross-country ski racers will descend on London for the London Region Nordic Ski Club's annual 4-hour rollerski race.
Last year some 50 skiers from 8 nationalities took place in the challenge, covering a combined distance of over 2,500km. The overall winner, Tone Sunde of Denmark, covered 121.6km, at an average speed of over 30.4km/hour.
The race welcomes both recreational and elite skiers - and if you don't want to keep going for the full four hours, you can simply complete as many as you can between the start and finish times.
It's particularly good training for anyone taking part in ski marathons or winter triathlons - more details on ski marathons can be found on here - and most of the racers who take part will compete in cross-country ski races on snow.
DATE: Saturday 21 October 2006
TIMINGS: Course opens 1pm, race starts 1.30pm, finish 5.30pm, supper at 6.30pm
Da staff, Venerdì, 13 Ottobre 2006 20:33, Commenti(0), Leggi tutto
Skiing on wheels

IS THIS A SPORT? Organizer thinks there's a place for roller skiing as a competitive event
By MELISSA DeVAUGHN - Anchorage Daily News - Published: September 15, 2006

 Roller skiing in Anchorage is almost always a training technique for nordic skiers, but on Wednesday night it grabbed the spotlight. More than 60 skiers in shorts and tank tops, wearing 3-foot skis on wheels, showed Anchorage that roller skiing can be a competitive summer sport.

At least that's what Ronn Randall, organizer of the inaugural event at Kincaid Park and father of Olympic cross-country skier Kikkan Randall, hopes. As racers made their way around the undulating course, making awkward sharp turns on the unwieldy rolling skis, he breathed a sigh of relief. Despite a few technical difficulties -- the race was shortened due to one dangerous muddy section and started late to allow for last-minute sweeping -- Randall felt the event was a success. "We're hoping next year that we can get a sprint series going, to be held at some of the other paved-trail systems in town," said Randall, recreation programmer for Parks and Recreation.
"Then we can end the season with a distance event like this again."

Randall said he's not sure who would lead such an effort -- perhaps a combination of Anchor ...

Da staff, Mercoledì, 20 Settembre 2006 21:20, Commenti(0), Leggi tutto
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