
City of Lakes Roller Rally

Sep 17 City of Lakes Roller Rally - Start down the road to the City of Lakes Loppet with this low-key tour of some of the Twin Cities excellent asphalt trail systems
 What: Fourth Annual City of Lakes Loppet Roller Rally.  This is a non-competitive rollerski, bike or in-line skate.  The event is the official kickoff of training for the 2007 Loppet and a fundraiser for the City of Lakes Nordic Ski Foundation.

Where: Hoigaard’s – St. Louis Park (see for directions).

When: Sunday, September 17, 2006.  Registration starts at 9:00 a.m.  Rally starts at 10:00 a.m.

Course: Follows the Midtown Greenway, the Kenilworth Trail and Cedar Lake Trail through the Chain of Lakes area of Minneapolis. 10, 20 and 40 kilometer options.  Aid stations along the trail.

Registration: Register on-line at  Special-edition t-shirts available on a first-registered basis.  Register now to guarantee a t-shirt.  $20 for adults – age 19 and over, $15 for youth.  On-site registration will be available starting at 9:00 a.m. on September 17.

Door Prizes: Include free Loppet entries, Hoigaard’s stone grinds, thermal bag treatments, and much more . . .

Proceeds: Be ...

Da staff, Giovedì, 14 Settembre 2006 09:19, Commenti(0), Leggi tutto


 Où croiser à la fois, des champions du monde de rollerski, des médaillés aux JO d’Hiver… et des amateurs?  Sur la Trans’roller, version estivale de sa grande sœur la Transjurassienne, les 16 et 17 septembre entre Pontarlier et Mouthe.

Samedi 16 septembre:
- Montée du Larmont Coupe du Monde Rollerski FIS – Pontarlier
- Animations grand public, initiations enfants, démonstrations roller acrobatique, rando en ville, sprint exhibition… - ontarlier.

Dimanche 17 septembre
- 34 km Coupe du Monde Rollerski FIS – Pontarlier / Mouthe
- 17 km Rollerski – Malbuisson / Mouthe

Les favoris rollerski:
- Séreina MISCHOL, Suisse, Top 15 JO Turin, en tête de l’Odlo Roller Ski Tour 2006
- Florence BAVEREL, médaillée d’or et bronze biathlon JO Turin 2006
- Vincent DEFRASNE, médaillée d’or biathlon JO Turin 2006
- Laurence ROCHAT, Suisse, médaillée bronze JO Salt Lake City 2002
- Simone PAREDI, Italien, en tête de l’Odlo Rollerski Tour 2006
- Alfio DI GREGORIO, Italien leader Coupe du Monde Rollerski FIS 2006
- Igor GLUSKOV, Russe Vainqueur, Winner Rollerski Tour 2005 – Sprint
- Laurent MONTFORT Vainqueur du Rollerski Tour 2000 et 2001 - 3eme Rollerski Tour 2002 - Vainqueur Trans’roller 2001 (1ère édition)
- Alexandre ROUSSELET, chez lui vainqueur Trans’roller 2004 et 2e en 2005

Pour les repérer…
Maillot bleu : Leader de Rollerski Tour 2006 – Simone Pa ...

Da staff, Mercoledì, 13 Settembre 2006 09:46, Commenti(0), Leggi tutto
Norwegian Junior National Team: Open Rollerski Time-Trial

 Sun Aug 27, 2006 - Norwegian junior national team coaches Age Skinnstad and Fredrik Aukland were impressed by the fastest skiers in a recent rollerski time-trial at an open junior national team camp, but suggest that many need to train more V1 on rollerskis.

"I’m impressed by the top skiers in today’s time-trial. Øystein Pettersen and Kurland Olsen tied for first in the boy’s race. Johaug skied very fast in the girl’s race and won by more than 40 seconds," said coach Skinnstad

He is however not impressed by the general V1 capacity among today’s (Norwegian) junior skiers.

"Many skiers are training lots of rollerskiing in easy terrain. Everyone in today’s race skied hard, but it showed that few are doing enough V1 in long uphills. Why not do in training what you will do in races this winter? A large portion of a skate race is spent doing V1," said coach Fredrik Aukland.

Time-trial results Ilsetra camp

Rollerski race August 17, 2006 - Hafjell - g ...

Da staff, Domenica, 10 Settembre 2006 11:31, Commenti(0), Leggi tutto - ROLL WITHIT - Bringing cross-country skiing to the UK

 GET ROLLERSKIING! Roller skiing is cross-country skiing without snow. It offers a great low-impact, full body exercise, with all the benefits of cross-country skiing - the ultimate fitness sport. It's suitable for all ages and abilities, for experts and beginners alike. The Rollerski Co offers expert instruction in London and Windsor, and we will help you get skiing well!

We also arrange cross country skiing weeks in the winter - where you'll find your rollerski skills transfer easily to snow. If you want, it's an easy next step to try a ski marathon or a winter triathlon.
See below for more on our classes, courses, rollerski hire, rollerski and nordic ski shop and gift vouchers.

AUTUMN 2006 INSTRUCTION PROGRAMME: We have made a few introductions for the autumn, the main development being our new Hyde Park rollerski club. We have a great lineup of courses and classes to prepare you for the winter, and whatever instruction option you choose, we look forward to seeing you soon! Some of the highlights are below.

About us
We're here to get you rollerskiing! Established in 2005, we taught over 200 people to rollerski in London and Windsor in our first 12 months. We have a growing programme of rollerski instruct ...

Da staff, Lunedì, 04 Settembre 2006 08:32, Commenti(0), Leggi tutto
Domeij And Ferry Won Swedish Rollerski Race

Domeij And Ferry Won Swedish Rollerski Race

 Wed Aug 30, 2006 - Bjorn Ferry and Sofia Domeij won a freestyle rollerski race in Ostersund, Sweden last week. US skiers Sara Conrad was 10th and Tim Burke 7th.
Sofia Domeij won three seconds ahead of Carin Olofsson and Selina Gasparin of Switzerland was third. Britta Nordgren was fourth. Sarah Konrad, member of the 2006 US Olympic cross country and biathlon teams, was tenth.
Biathlon skier Bjorn Ferry won the men’s race eleven seconds ahead of another biathlon skier, Carl Johan Bergman. Jerry Ahrlin was third and Magnus Johnsson was fourth. Tim Burke, USA Olympic Biathlete, was seventh.
Ahrlin was leading by five seconds after the first lap but was not able to hold on.

Women 7,5 km freestyle (19 competitors)
1) Sofia Domeij, Övik 18,01,6; 2) Anna Carin Olofsson, Lillhärdal, 18,05,6; 3) Selina Gasparin, Schweiz, 18,06,9; 5) Liv Kjersti Eikeland, Norge, 18,18,2; 6) Helena Jonsson, I21, 18,31,6; 7) Anna Maria Nilsson, Östersund, 18,52,2; 9) Sara Lindborg, Östersund, 19,10,9; 10) Sarah Konrad, USA, 19,12,6

Men 12,4 km freestyle (28 competitors)
1) Björn Ferry, Storuman, 25,29,7; 2) Carl Johan Bergman, Bore, 25,40,8; 3) Jerry Ahrlin, Östersund, 25,41,3; 4) Magnus Jonsson,Sollefteå, 25,44,5; 5) FRedrik Uusitalo, Sollefteå, 25,47,5; 7) TIm Burke, USA, 26,21,5; 8) Ronny Hafsås, NOrge, 26,30,3; 9) Mattias Simmen, Schweis, 26,33,0; 10) David Ekholm, Bore, 26,40,2

Source: ...

Da staff, Venerdì, 01 Settembre 2006 20:43, Commenti(0), Leggi tutto
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