.... Mondiali no

Confermato ufficialmente l'annullamento dei Mondiali 2004

E' ormani ufficiale che i Campionati Mondiali F.I.S. di Skiroll 2004 non si faranno, infatti la German Ski Federation (DSV) non sembra piu disposta ad organizzare il World Championships 2004 nella città di Inzell.
Smentita quindi la notizia diffusa giovedì dal sito  www.rollerski.nl che dava per certa l'assegnazione dei mondiali alla città bavarese. Nella giornata odierna, rollerski.nl ha prontamente provveduto a correggere il precedente comunicato, confermando quando in precedenza diffuso dai siti francesi www.rollerskitour.com e www.toutleski.com. Un grosso colpo per uno sport in forte crescita nel nostro Paese, ma che manifesta gravi problemi di gestione a livello internazionale.

Riportiamo il testo integrale della news riportata da rollerski.nl:

Miami decisions

Gijsbregt: June 3rd, 2004

Miami was hot, in temperature and for the rollerski sport.
The committee made a no-show. Only New Zealand and the Netherlands were present.

This was not the only loss for rollerski. The German Ski Federation seems no longer willing to organize the World Championships in Inzell. A proposal from the jury, which was appointed in the meeting of the sub-committee of 1 May 2003, to delay the World Championships with one year, did not make it.

The German Ski Federation is the only one to be sure what will happen now. The sub-committee does not know what will happen exactly.

On the other hand, France seems willing to overtake the World Cup of Jablonec: the races will be in Alpe d'Huez in the weekend of July 10-11. An uphill race and a sprint race. The final decision will be made this week. So also here, more news will follow.

The calendar for next year, the following years and the World Championships and the proposals for the restructuring of the sub-committee could not be discussed due to the low number of sub-committee members.

In 2005 the races in Cesis, Latvia and Moscow, Russia are sure. The Scandinavian neigbors Denmark and Sweden will do their best to host the European Championships. They will report shortly.


Aggiornato il 07-06-04.
